Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Easy Ways For Drivers to Save Money on Auto Insurance

When you think of the necessary evils that go hand in hand with hitting the highways, what do you think of? Traffic's probably first on the list. The cost of gasoline. The hassle of trying to keep your car cleaned out and in good condition despite your morning commute and the aggravation of people who can't figure out that hosting talk shows before the morning fog is cleared from your brain is a bad idea. And auto insurance. Don't forget about trying to find ways to save money on auto insurance.

If there's one thing you never, ever want to leave home without, regardless of who you are or where you happen to be going, it's a good auto insurance policy. Your auto insurance does a lot more than pick up the tab if you're in an accident. It protects your assets and your financial future, since the costs associated with a major uninsured accident could have a significant, lasting impact. It makes sure you can keep your vehicle registered, especially in states that don't give their drivers the option to hit the highways uninsured. It can provide you with emergency roadside assistance and help with your rental costs when push comes to shove.

In other words, it's pretty darn important.

Just because it's important doesn't mean it should send your budget crashing to the ground, however. There are ways to save money on auto insurance. Most of them aren't that difficult, and they don't cost much to find. All you have to do is know where to look.


1) Shop around. With over fifty huge national insurance providers and who knows how many local agents operating in cities from coast to coast, competition in the auto insurance industry is your friend. Since most companies don't offer a whole lot of variety when it comes to the insurance coverage they offer they have to distinguish themselves with their prices. That can work in your favor if you're willing to take the time to compare prices, name drop and put a bidding war in motion.

2) Shop for discounts. You'd be amazed what will help you save money on auto insurance these days. For example, did you know that because teachers and engineers statistically have fewer accidents each year they pay less in auto insurance premiums? And drivers over the age of 55 are often eligible for special discounts only available to retirees. The kind of car you drive, the amount of time you spend on the road every day, your credit score and your car's safety features are only a few of the things that combine to save you money on your auto insurance.

3) Follow the rules of the road. You'd be amazed what a difference a single ticket or a single accident can make on your insurance premiums, so don't let it happen. Keeping your driving record clean is the most important thing you can do to save money on auto insurance.

4) Take a driver improvement course. It doesn't matter whether you're a bad driver, a great driver or the next Mario Andretti. When your auto insurance provider issues you a policy the only thing they know about you is what the DMV tells them. Taking a driver improvement course adds points onto your license and gives you an aura of respectability in the insurance world-a respectability that translates into big savings on your auto insurance.

Finding ways to save money on auto insurance isn't hard, so what are you waiting for? Contact your insurance provider today and start putting your money back where it belongs-working for you.